Best Way Using Of Bikini Wax Lot of females and even men are now looking for bald when it comes to your pubic area. This is considered fashionable and trendy, especially if you go out in public wearing shorts or a bikini. Bikini Waxing therefore is adapted from a term used to refer to curtail […]
Almost every one suffers from a case of acne, at least one time in their lives. Both teenagers and adults, and men and women, have to deal with their acne problems, even in the most inopportune moments. But why doesn’t acne go away? Acne is produced by several factors. One factor is hormonal changes in […]
Low maintenance for highly valued diamonds When purchasing gold engagement rings that are set with diamonds, they will require some tender loving care to keep their brilliance in good order. It is a well know fact that diamonds are a hard material, however they are not indestructible.Diamonds, especially the larger stones, can chip and break; […]
Strawberry and chocolate (COCOCHOCO) is a great combination of beauty used in KERATIN HAIR THERAPY® Strawberry is a great combination of beauty Rich in vitamin C and polyphenols in fruit can be used in homemade masks for facial treatment and hair. Who does not like a cake, ice cream or strawberry jelly?. In fact, […]