Simply Anti Aging – One Sure Way To Slow Aging
One Sure Way To SLOW Aging
Our cells oxidize food elements into uric acids, lactic acids, carbonic acids and fatty acids. The cells then expel them as waste into urine and sweat. If the body can get rid of them quickly and efficiently, you can maintain a ph of around 7.4 which is optimum.
However, a lifestyle of stress, lack of proper sleep, exercise and too much pollution all contribute to the body’s inability to rid itself of the acids. Food production using acid minerals through soil, air quality and farming practices are making our foods more acidic than ever.
Healthy cells have a slightly alkaline ph level and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells. To help the body rid itself of acid wastes will help reverse the affects of damage to the cells and slow the aging process.
Water ionizers can create alkaline water in your own home. Just a few glasses of alkaline water is more effective than 8 glasses of regular water. This will help flush acids out of your system and restore balance to the body. A diet high in fruits and vegetables will improve your energy, bring a glow to your skin and give much relief from some symptoms of aging.
Healthy cells have a slightly alkaline ph level and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells. To help the body rid itself of acid wastes will help reverse the affects of damage to the cells and slow the aging process.