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Mode olive oil beauty

Mode-5: Olive Oil Beauty

Whether you are on a budget or just looking for beauty secrets, a must know for any fashionista is the magic of olive oil. Olive oil is available at any grocery store, and has been a part of beauty regimens dating back to the days of Cleopatra. Not only is olive oil a completely natural way to enhance your beauty routine, but it is inexpensive and versatile in its ability to be used! Here are a few suggestions that are tried and true:

1) Make Up remover: Take a cotton pad lightly soaked in olive oil. With a gentle hand, sweep away makeup all over the face (it is safe to use around eyes as well). Repeat this step until your face is make-up free. Wash your face with warm water and a gentle soap. Not only will your face feel immediately smoother and softer, but also continued use will result in a hydrated and healthy glow every morning!

2) Intensive Treatment Moisturizer: If you have any dry spot or area of skin which may be irritated or needing healing, apply a small spot of olive oil. Gently rub it into the area for an instant moisturizing. You should notice relief of the dry area immediately and a more rapid healing of the dry skin condition.

3) Lip Moisturizer: Similar to olive oil’s use as an intensive treatment moisturizer, olive oil can be dabbed on the lips for an instant shine and an immediate moisturizing of the lips!

4) Lip Exfoliant: Mix 1 part olive oil to 1 part sugar or salt to create an exfoliant for the lips. Gently rub the mixture on the lips in small circles to exfoliate away dead skin cells but at the same time allow for moisture to penetrate the lips. This mixture is safe to use as a hand moisturizer and a foot moisturizer as well. For a facial mask, add flour to the mixture and apply the thickened formula to the face. Allow the mask to moisturize the skin for at least 5 minutes before washing.

5) Shaving Cream: This might sound a bit strange, but olive oil is a great substitute for shaving cream. Put a bit of olive oil on the leg by applying it in gentle circles. This will moisturize the hairs and will make the follicle soft so that the hair doesn’t break when the razor glides over the skin.

6) Bath Soak: Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to a full warm bath. Relax for about 15 minutes to receive an all over moisturizing soak! Your skin will be instantly glowing afterwards! Simply rinse off with soap and water after soaking.

7) Alternative to Hair Chemicals: Heat olive oil (about 10 – 20 seconds in the microwave) and apply sparingly to the ends of your hair to create a hair mask. This quick treatment seals cuticles and creates a shine. Do not apply this near the scalp! The heavy oils can create problems for the scalp! Also, if you need a more organic way to handle frizzies and baby hair, apply a very small amount of olive oil to your hands and with a light hand smooth down all unruly hair.

8) Dry Cuticle Care: If your nails are soft, bitten or brittle, olive oil can provide nutrients necessary for your nails to heal. Simply pour olive oil into a small bowl and allow your fingers to soak for a few minutes before manicuring. You will notice a change in the healthier appearance of your nails almost instantly! Olive oil is extremely healthy for the nails and moisturizing for the nail and nailbeds!

While there are hundreds of other uses for olive oil, these are just a few of the most popular ways! Happy shopping fashionistas!

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