Fashion Trend Ideas For some it is being in the public eye, where as for others it is just a fascination. Some of them are in admiration of glamour of this profession and for many, it is just pure fun. Fashion modeling is truly a very well-paid profession. All you need is drop dead gorgeous […]
Dress Up With Ed Hardy Bag's Fashions Great bargains are possible in a Cheap Ed Hardy online store where one gets clothes for men, women, children, accessories, perfumes etc all with a bold and arty Ed Hardy signature tattoo on them. The brand emerged as a highly sought after fashion line in 2004 when Christian […]
Ideas for Casual Wedding Invitations Unless you are planning a very lavish or traditional wedding ceremony, your wedding invitations do not need to be formal or expensive. Casual invitations work just as well, provide a more personal touch and can also be less expensive. You can potentially save between $500 and $1,800 by designing and […]
Body Art Tattoos Body art tattoos are a way to make a personal statement and are not just a fad. It does seem that the tattoos are catching on more amongst younger people. You see them on rock stars and other celebrities, as well as various cultural icons. It has become a rather common thing […]