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Perfume evolution classic vs modern

Perfume Evolution, Classic Vs Modern The history of perfume goes back to ancient Egypt, the Middle East and Rome where it was used as an essential part of the beautification rituals of women of status of the day. It played a big role in the acts of romance and courtship. In addition, it was also […]

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Silver jewellery gold jewellery perfect metal for jewellery manufacturing process

Silver Jewellery & Gold Jewellery ! Perfect Metal for Jewellery manufacturing process When we tell in span for Silver Jewellery now existence it is segmented in three print of Jewellery. First is true 925 silver Jewellery of 925 authentic silver Jewellery because only grain, hammered and other property has been given to make earrings. From […]

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What if the lost child was very young

What if the Lost Child was very Young? The announcement in February 1997 of the birth of a sheep named Dolly, an exact genetic replica of its mother, sparked a worldwide debate over the moral and medical implications of doing. Several U.S. states and European countries have banned the cloning of human beings; pet South […]

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History of soap making goats milk soap

History of Soap Making – Goats Milk Soap The history of soap making began when the earliest recorded evidence of soap-like materials traced back to approximately 2800 BC, found in clay cylinders during the excavation of ancient Babylon.   Approximately 2200 BC, soap formula inscriptions were written on the clay saying that fats were boiled with […]

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