Add Fullness To Your Lips With These Tips It has been reported that most people who are unhappy with some aspect their looks choose Angelina Joliet as their role model when first approaching their cosmetic surgeon for a procedure.However, Ms Jolie has been lucky to have been born with natural good looks which include those […]
Juicing Couture Did you know that you can drink your way to more beautiful skin? You can also drink your way to a thinner, sexier you. Are you in the 95% of people that aren’t eating at least five servings of fruits/vegetables every day? If so, it’s time to acquaint yourself with juicing couture. You’ve […]
Genes Swiss Collagen Moisturizing Creme with Vitamin E Review Finding effective collagen cream products can be difficult as there are many available today. You need to find a cream that is supplemented with vitamins your skin cells can use to help produce healthy skin cells. One such product that delivers is the Genes Swiss Collagen […]
Should I Consult a Dermatologist? When should you consult a Dermatologist? Is it really that SERIOUS??? Here are some things that you should see a Dermatologist about. REALLY! Better safe than sorry!! When you suspect that a lesion may or may not be skin cancer, or when your family history has high risk factors. Yes! […]