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Add fullness to your lips with these tips

Add Fullness To Your Lips With These Tips

It has been reported that most people who are unhappy with some aspect their looks choose  Angelina Joliet as their role model when first approaching their cosmetic surgeon for a procedure.
However, Ms Jolie has been lucky to have been born with natural good looks which include those fabulous pouty lips.
So what can be done to get those desirable lips ourselves?
If you have very thin lips you should try to give the impression of fullness by applying makeup that accentuates them.

  • First of all outline your lips with a soft lip pencil using a color close to your natural lip tone.
  • Just draw the pencil slightly along the outer edge of your lip line.
  • Fill in the lip area with the pencil taking care not to create any harsh lines. Blot with a tissue and repeat.
  • Then add a lip gloss of your choice.

There are special lip plumpers on the market that claim to have amazing results as they contain substances which causes slight stinging. This then causes a swelling reaction, which for a short period or until the next application can reflect in fuller lips.
If you are still not happy you should consider the following.
Botox and Fillers
Very popular with celebrities and in fact women of all ages. There is always adverse opinion as to the safety of these procedures but if done by a qualified specialist they work wonders.

However the downside is the cost and the effort of having to get it redone every 6 months or so. Also there are a few famous actresses that have not been able to resist the temptation to have more and more and as a result they end up with caricature lips.
Daily lip care
It is essential to keep lips moist and never let them dry out. Use a daily moisturizer and a lip balm. Beware of extremes of weather. Icy windy conditions can be just a harmful as hot sun.
The dreaded cold sore

If you suffer from cold sores take action at the first warning prickle or tingle. Once you let it get a hold there’s no stopping it.


As most people know, having a cold sore is very painful. Unfortunately there is no cure as it stems from the herpes virus which
However, nowadays there are good medications that you can buy from the pharmacy but for a more natural cure try applying an ice cube for 10 minutes every hour. The cold will cause the skin to reduce the cold sore development and even lessen the pain and itching by numbing the area.

Alternatively try placing a tea bag over the sore. This can help reduce the size as it contains tannin acid, which is also used in some over the counter medications.

If nothing helps and a scab forms, keep it moist by coating it with petroleum jelly. This will help stop cracking and bleeding which can be very painful.
Taking good care of your lips is an essential part of any beauty routine. There is nothing worse that seeing someone with cracked dry lips

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