Feminine Intuition
Are you struggling to survive in today’s world while simultaneously ignoring your value, what womanhood is all about and have lost touch with your own inner knowing? It’s time to stop believing what you have been told. The outside comments about who you are and what you are capable of. We’ll probably hear a million myths in our lifetime, so today would be a wonderful day to release them from your beautiful mind. No one can tell you who you are. More importantly no one can tell you your purpose in life. Listening to others can lead to stagnation Just tap into your innate powers. When you stand in your true feminine power™you can conquer the world like Xena Warrior Princess.
I made a decision to start tapping into my natural intuition. Please join me. My dear it’s a known fact that you are very good at the intuitive process. You have that inherent ability to see things intuitively which otherwise is not possible by logical thinking. How many times have you wanted to kick yourself because you didn’t trust your gut? I know I have several times and the only person I can blame is me because I doubted myself. When you doubt yourself its drop dead ugly if you ask me.
Stimulate your Individualism
Once upon a time women didn’t worry about what other people thought. The women who walked the path before us probably didn’t even know the definition of self doubt. They hadn’t been taught to dismiss their feminine intuition. Our inherent sensitivity and abilities remain as they have always been. Do we no longer know that we know? If that is the case it’s time to bring your intuition back. It’s time to be still and ask for exactly what you want, you will receive the answer. Being intuitive might sound a little hokey but when you live from the inside/out it will render successful results so be bold be a little risqu?. Trust yourself!
If you have resistance remember, if you want different results in your life. You have to do something new. If you are looking for reason it won’t come in this lifetime. Intuition is not concerned with reason. It’s the part of your brain that defies logic. You have the opportunity to take it or leave it. However if you have the self-confidence faith in your inner promptings you will allow the core essence of you to emerge.
As you go through your day, whether your work is physical or mental allow your intuitive power to come forth. Train yourself to know that your feminine intuition is one with you, has your best interest at heart, knows the depths of who you are and is absolutely thrilled to guide you and help you. You will attract more beautiful happier experiences.
If you’ve lost touch with the power of your divine femininity it’s time to bring the fierce fabulous femme fatale back.