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Covering acne with makeup

Covering Acne With Makeup

Acne is one of the most common skin problems affecting people worldwide and a general misconception is that acne affects only teenagers, but many are surprised to learn that adults also suffer from this same inconvenience. Although not confined to teenagers, it is usually at this point in their lives when it is more likely to show and the figures indicate that as many as 9 out of 10 people will have acne at some time during their life.
Generally, acne is the result of excess oil or sebum in the hair follicles but this is not the only cause nor does it mean that over production of oil equals acne either. It appears that acne is not an age old problem but a recent development and one caused by too much oil in the pore itself which results in the pimple we are all very conscious of.
But the clogged pores which are the main cause of acne can also be the result of contemporary substances like cosmetics, pollution and even the hormone adjustments many young people go through. Even out diet can play a part in the cause of acne as much of our diet today is made up of unhealthy processed foods.
For a recurring or severe case of acne, many sufferers turn to a dermatologist for a more aggressive treatment and in most cases, a prescribed routine and medication can help to treat acne. Once a dermatologist has been consulted then he will check on the effectiveness of the medication on a regular basis and monitor to see whether other treatment is necessary. The person suffering with acne must remember not to scratch at or attempt to remove and pimples as any bacteria carried beneath the nails could cause further infection.
Many believe for example that just because their fingernails appear clean, there is nothing to worry about but that’s simply not true as there are many germs and bacteria, which are not visible to the naked eye. It is for this very reason that anyone who suffers with acne should not touch their acne with their bare hands.
Research has shown that if your parents had acne, you’ll probably have it as well and very few people have perfect skin, so it is a very common skin disorder among almost every single person.The most likely scenario is that you will contact acne while you are young probably around puberty.
If necessary, acne sufferers should consult a dermatologist or qualified physician for acne treatment. If you are unsure about you own situation then contact your local dermatologist of family physician as the information provided here is for guidance only and not a replacement for the opinion of a medical professional.

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