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Consumer reports teeth whitening products and why you might be wasting your time

Consumer Reports, Teeth Whitening Products, And Why You Might Be Wasting Your Time

Consumer Reports, Teeth Whitening Products, And Why You Might Be Wasting Your Time …

It really is not neccesary to flip through stacks and stacks of consumer reports. Teeth whitening products are a dime a dozen. Consumer reports on teeth whitening will give little valuable information. Why? Well every person has a different set of teeth. Teeth are like fingerprints, none two are identical.
So just because someone swears on a  certain product or method, say bleaching for example, doesn’t mean it will work for you. In some case another persons favorite product or method could even be dangerous for you.

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Consumer Reports, Teeth Whitening

People spend billions each year on every teeth whitening product imaginable. But how many actually use them to their full effect? My guess would be about half. This means that there are millions of consumers dishing out millions each year on teeth whitening products without ever using them to their full effect.
So, consumer reports concerning  teeth whitening products are a waste of your time.
Why am I say this? Well in my opinion, why would you want to spend so much money on teeth whitening products without knowing if they A) will work at all, or B) you will probably only use a couple of times without seeing the desired result and moving on to the next big thing.
Don’t get me wrong, consumers should defianetly want to know what teeth whitening product they are putting into their mouths. But why pay for them?
What am I getting at? Find the freebies and free trial offers! That way you literally can jump from one thing to the next until you find the teeth whitening product that have your teeth nice and pearly. There are tons of them all over the internt, promoted by companies that are so convinced of their latest product that they are willing to let you try them for free. It’s a win win situation for both: You get to try new teeth whitening products, and teeth whitening industry gets to test their products on the market. Who is the market? You are.
Let’s face it, most consumers do not want to go through any kind of hard work to get white teeth. They just want, er, white teeth.

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