Can My Diet Affect The Health Of My Hair?
There are many different reasons why some people suffer from hair thinning or hair loss. One of them is simply age. It makes sense that as we age our hair starts to thin and most of us accept that is part of the aging process. However, if your hair loss or thinning hair is not something that you feel you can deal with on a daily basis, then it may help to look to your diet to boost your locks. It is worth noting at this point that any sudden or severe hair loss or hair thinning should be reported to a medical practitioner as they may be able to provide you with effective treatment. Unfortunately, in some cases hair thinning is down to genetics and there is nothing that can be done. However, if your hair loss or thinning is down to stress and bad eating habits then this is good news as food is a controllable factor that can be managed.
Firstly, you can make the simple swap to organic foods and upping your fruit and vegetable levels as this can make a huge difference to the health of your hair, not to mention the health of your whole body. If you want to try making a few changes to your diet to see if you can improve the condition of your hair you should give it at least 4 weeks before you will start to notice any differences.
You will need to include green leafy vegetables everyday in order to minimise thinning hair as these contain minerals that help to reduce hair loss like silica, calcium and iron. Seaweed is also thought the have amazing health benefits so you might want to include it in your diet a few times a week.
It is essential that you eat foods that are rich in protein. Hair is formed of protein so it makes sense to up your protein levels. You should not just rely on meat to give you a protein hit, instead vary your diet by including eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds and fish as these are all packed with protein.
You should make sure that you are eating foods that are rich is iron also. Hair loss can sometimes be a symptom of anaemia so be sure to be eating enough iron-rich foods like liver, whole grain cereals and green leafy vegetables. You may also want to try taking vitamin C supplements of eating a lot of vitamin C rich fruits as this will help to improve the absorption of iron from the food that you eat.
There have been scientific surveys that show that for women, thinning hair can be caused by gastrointestinal problems. This only occurs if a woman is deficient in protein and zinc so try upping your levels of both and contact your doctor if you are at all worried. For men, studies have shown that a high-fat meat diet can increase testosterone levels which can adversely affect the hair follicles, thus speeding up the balding process. A low fat diet may help solve this problem.
If you feel that you have tried all the natural solutions possible and are still frustrated with your thinning hair then now may the time to consider hair replacement. The leading company in hair replacement is Hairdreams. Whether you have thin hair on top and you are looking for some added volume at the root or if you are suffering from bald patches then Hairdreams will have a method that will suit your needs and requirements. The whole process is gentle and non-damaging and no-one will be able to tell that it isn’t your own hair. Don’t let bad hair get you down; turn everyday into a good hair day with Hairdreams! For more information visit the Inanch website. Click <a href=””>here</a> to book your consultation today!