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Bunions nothing to brag about

Bunions, Nothing to Brag About

A bunion is a bone displacement that usually occurs on the side of the big toe. This deformity causes the toe to curve towards the other toes. What you now have is a bunion, or bony joint on the side of your foot that can cause foot pain and swelling. The pain is more noticeable when wearing tightly fitting shoes, such as high heels. Although the pain alone may have you screaming surgery, there are ways to alleviate the pain of a bunion while keeping your sanity at the same time. Try these alternatives before considering surgery.

1. Wear comfortable shoes. Shoes that are comfortable allow your feet to move around in them. You can use a shoe stretcher for shoes that are too tight or purchase shoes that are one size bigger to relieve discomfort.
2. Wear high heels sparingly, taking care to alternate pumps with flat shoes, sneakers, or 1-2 inch heels.
3. Do not stand for long periods of time. Standing puts stress on your feet.
4. Wear bunion splints at night to help realign your feet.
5. Place a non-medicated pad around your bunion to alleviate pain.
6. Get arch supports to avoid having your foot slide back and forth in your shoes. The constant back and forth movement only adds pressure to your feet.
7. Soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes. This will soothe your feet.

These options will help reduce bunion pain. The last resort is always surgery. If you are experiencing unbearable pain, see a podiatrist for recommendations.

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