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Why you should make time for yourself at a beauty salon

Why you should make time for yourself at a beauty salon

We live in a very busy world; we’re constantly on the go. We’ve got school and sports practice for our kids, work for ourselves, and on top of all that we’ve got a home to run! With all the hustle and bustle of daily life, we all need a little time off to get our heads on straight, and that is why God invented beauty salons.
There are only three things in life that can help you stay sane in this crazy world; Your Pastor, your husband (if you have a good one), and your beauty salon. The reason these are the three is because you have to take care of yourself. Your Pastor takes care of your spiritual life, your husband takes care of your soul and emotions, and your beauty salon takes care of your body.
If you’re not taking care of your body people notice. Everyone knows that good hair, nail, and skin care is good hygiene, but most doesn’t realize the impact that looking good has on the rest of their life. I came to that realization when I met a fellow businessperson about a year ago. We’re both business owners, very successful, and well dressed, but my friend is always immaculately groomed. I noticed that I could be in my best outfit, all decked out and standing next to my friend I felt like a schlub. Taking care of yourself makes you feel better about you, the way you look, and how others perceive you. And that makes a big difference in how you act, how you carry yourself and how people treat you.
I’ll even go as far as saying you’ll be more successful if you visit a hair or nail salon regularly. Now that may sound far-fetched, but we all know the plain and simple truth. Beautiful people have it easy in life. They get paid more, promoted more, everybody likes them, they’re invited to the best parties, and all the very smart, very talented, not as good-looking people are jealous of them. The good news is anyone can join the beautiful people club, and you don’t have to be a Julia Roberts or a Cindy Crawford to be in it.
Take the time regularly to get your hair, fingernails, and toenails professionally pampered at a great Hair and Nail Salon. It’s obvious that that having a great hair stylist and nail technician is what keeps a professional model in business. But it’s true for the rest of us also. Even a factory worker or construction worker is more likely to excel in their field if they are well groomed. Just because you’re working like a horse, doesn’t mean you need to smell like one. A great philosopher of our day said, “The most powerful thing you can do in life is create an image”. Your overall image introduces you. It says you’re important, successful, trustworthy, reliable, hard working, caring, and relatable, or if you don’t have a good image, it says the opposite of those things. But the important thing to note is… your image says all the things about you that you can’t say, especially without sounding arrogant.
A great hair and nail salon will help you keep up with the latest styles, feel better about yourself, make you look better to others, and keep the image of you that introduces you saying all the right things about you. And that, along with what your spouse and your Pastor do, will keep your life moving forward to bigger and better things, and you’ll have a happier more carefree time along the way.

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