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Why natural acne cures are preferred over medical acne cures

Why Natural Acne Cures Are Preferred Over Medical Acne Cures

Skin is the most important and the largest part of our body and acne cure can be done through various steps. An acne problem affects almost everyone across the world, most affected ones being the teenagers. It is always better to treat acne naturally rather than medical treatment. In fact medical treatment may be required in the most severe cases.

The main factor that is important in treatment of acne naturally is cleanliness. When we look at cleanliness, it refers to cleanliness from inside as well as out side. Inside cleanliness because what we eat reflects on our skin, so eating food which keeps our body clean from inside is a must. We must eat and restrict our food to healthy foods. In addition plenty of water should be consumed to keep the skin fresh and glowing. In fact it is suggested to drink at least 2-3 liters of water everyday to keep the skin healthy.

We must work towards the above because otherwise it may be that we develop scars as well along with acne. Some times acne is so severe that it leads scars on the face. If we go in for medical treatment it could be a very costly affair in addition to being a time consuming treatment. Like for instance some drugs consumed for medical treatment of acne may be harmful for the fetus. Similarly chances of laser treatments leave the skin discolored and patchy are quite high.

Some other side effects of the medical treatment include side effects of consuming some antibiotics such as immunity to the drug if relapses happen.

Hence it is advised to treat acne naturally rather than to go in for a medical treatment because of all associated possible side effects.

Also a diet full of nutrients which are natural anti-oxidants, rich in fibre and vitamins and have all natural resources to combat the toxins produced in our body is recommended. We have already discussed that water is very important and useful in the prevention as well as cure of acne. It is helpful in keeping the bodies clean, flushing all the injurious substances out of our body.

Reason for acne is due to unhealthy sebaceous glands which create surplus oil on the surface of skin and this oil attracts dirt particles and clogs the pores through which our skin breathe. It is at this stage if a good skin cleansing regimen is not being followed, acne and pimples along with black heads begin to appear. So cleaning is the most basic and an important step towards acne prevention and cure.

You must clean your skin at least twice a day with a mild soap free cleanser and then tone it with a toner or astringent which closes the open pores.

Moisturizer followed by cleaning is a must but ensure that it is light and water based. Green leafy vegetables like green capsicum, broccoli, green tea, or any other thing which is an anti oxidant is a must to be consumed on a daily basis. This goes a long way to keep acne at bay. Also you must consume a lot of root vegetables, onion, garlic and lentils. Avoid consumption of alcohol, smoking, fatty foods, chemical substances as these are harmful for the skin.

Hence we understand why natural cures for acne are preferred over medical acne cures. It is said that prevention is better than cure. If you start implementing the above mentioned guidelines on food and water intake, I am sure that chances of acne affecting your skin will become bleak. So go for natural acne cures instead of medical ones, unless you are strongly affected by acne.

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