Which Replica Balenciaga hardware should I choose?
I believe I have outwardly voiced my love of the giant hardware Balenciaga bags previously, the silver hardware to be exact. It is not that I do not love gold, in fact I have found a new love of gold jewelry. But when it came to BBags, I thought silver hardware was the perfect color. Now I am questioning myself. After seeing some of the new combinations of giant gold hardware on some Balenciaga bags I am torn. The gold hardware has grown on me and I find myself leaning towards it more and more. Vlad and I will be in NYC next week and I may end up at the Balenciaga store, ready to make my first BBag purchase. It has been a long time in the making and I am ready to take a morning off of meetings to do some shopping. Do I go for classic hardware or take the plunge into giant hardware? Help me make my decision – and give me reasons why!
Which Balenciaga hardware should I choose?
- Signature
- Giant Silver Hardware
- Giant Gold Hardware
- Other
i think gold hardware is nice, but only on a few different colours (more of the blacks and dark greys). i much prefer the silver giant hardware because its much more neutral and looks good on all the colors, IMO! you should definitely grab a bbag in GSH!
GOOD LUCK on finding your perfect bbag MEGS!!!
mette says:I find this a bit difficult to say and actually it was not even asked, but here goes: Don?t buy a Balenciaga bag at all. I think you should choose something more unique to your collection of bags. You do deserve one:)