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What do you use for acne

What Do You Use For Acne?

Remember adolescence? Remember your first kiss with your puppy love under the swinging tree? Remember your meaningless scribbles in Algebra and Physics classes with those numerous formulas? Remember your date during prom night and how you agonized with what to wear? Remember your huge zit in front of your forehead, and how very conscious you are about the way you look?
Almost all teenagers will experience a bout of acne problems. Developmentally, this is normal. Puberty is a time when the sweat glands and hormones are very active, producing growth spurts, and physical changes. With those changes, teenagers can also be emotional everything – including with the way they look. Let us face it – we live in a hypocritical world, where people are always judged based on appearances. Advertisements and Hollywood constantly bombard us with messages about looking beautiful all the time, or having a makeover to make people like us more. As such, teenagers can be very critical about themselves and with the way they look. It affects their self-esteem, confidence and sometimes, general well-being. It may seem a small problem for adults, but for teenagers, dealing with acne is a major situation.
Acne has a lot of causes. For one hormonal imbalances, particularly testosterone or estrogen levels, can trigger sweat glands, and making teenagers sweat too much. When we sweat, it leaves behind minute dirt on our skin, clogging our pores. Trapped dirt attracts bacteria and other organisms, and it could develop into a pus which typifies an acne. This is the reason why people with oily skin are also susceptible to acne. The oils secreted by our sebaceous glands would mix with dirt and aggravates the skin, leading to the appearance of pimples or acne. Acne can also be a symptom for a weak immune system or nutritional deficiency. Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and stress can also lead to acne.
The first step in preventing acne is by washing your face with a gentle cleanser. This removes your skin of dirt and oils, and unclogs the pores. If acne breakouts are getting worse, use salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide on the pimple or acne. This will dry out the infection and make your acne smaller and disappear over time. Products like Clearasil or Freederm are effective in removing acne. Another alternative is visiting Acne ansr to get ansr treatment that is specific to the acne problem. If acne continues to appear, you may consult a dermatologist.

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