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What are your acne options

What Are Your Acne Options

For most teenagers, attending school, going to house parties, club meetings and other social functions is equivalent to having a life. During these events, looking extra-good and special is the mark on how well they will experience teenage life. With this in mind, acne on teenagers’ face is one big problem that needs utmost attention and care.
This may sound as a consolation, but according to researchers at the John Hopkins Evidence-based Practice Center, there over 45 million people in the U.S. alone who suffer from acne. This report was developed for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Researchers also said that 85% of younger people aged 15-24 suffer from this skin condition. This data shows that you are not alone in your battle, but, is it not much better if you are part of the “lucky” 15% who does not have acne problems?
How does acne develop? This maybe the question running through your mind every time you face the mirror and see a face pocked with acne looking back at you. One reason why acne develops is because of heredity. This means that it is in your genes. Another reason is because of pollutants like smoke and dust that you encounter in your day to day activities. This causes irritation eventually leads to acne development. Next is because of excess oil production, bacteria and dead skin cells.
Now you may be wondering about treatment options available to treat your acne. There are some over-the-counter medications that purport to be effective in acne treatment. If you have tried these treatments to no avail, visiting a dermatologist is one good option. A visit to a good standing specialist means a more systematic therapy in treating your acne. Vitamin-A based creams like Tretinoin is usually the first step. This is helpful in speeding up cell recovery and prevents clogging of pores. Oral medicines like Accutane or Isotretinion is also prescribed to combat severe acne cases. Laser and light treatments are considered advanced methods that can help in lessening the bacteria level. These are also useful in smoothing out acne scars. Chemical peels and microdermabrasions, which are methods used to peel old and tired skin, are now being used to control acne outbreaks.
Now that you are equipped with the basics on how to get rid of acne, attend those social events with grace. Just bear in mind to keep these bits of acne information with you to prevent a second-round of acne outbreak.

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