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Want a fresh new look try hair extensions

Want A Fresh New Look? Try Hair Extensions!

 With so many styling products and options on the market these days, lots of us are constantly changing our looks. We all want our hair to look stylish and to reflect the latest trends but what are we to do if we want our hair to look longer or thicker? We can all go out and have a hair cut but it is harder to create length instantly. In this fast paced society we don’t want to have to wait for anything, and that includes waiting for our hair to grow. Gone are the days of awkward-looking in between styles and having to endure clips and hair bands to disguise a style that is being grown out. We all know the frustration of waiting for an unwanted fringe to grow out and practically willing it to grow more than a meagre half an inch a month. The advances in hair extension technology means that you have to wait no longer and the best bit is you don’t have to damage your own hair in the process.

 Nowadays you can choose from a range of different qualities of hair, application methods and textures. The first thing you should decide is what sort of hair you want to use. You can choose from either synthetic hair or real human hair. Overall, the benefits that real hair offers outweigh those of having synthetic hair but both do have their pros and cons. The main advantage of real hair is that it is easier to look after; you can pretty much treat it like your own hair. This involves washing, drying and styling. Real hair will look and feel so natural that no-one need know that it isn’t your own hair. One of the benefits of human hair is that it dries naturally with a bit of a wave so that it blends in with your own hair. You can also style it however you like! This involves using straightening irons, curling irons and a whole range of different styles. You can even dye it if you want. You do not have this sort of freedom with synthetic hair.

 However, if you are looking for a new look on a budget then synthetic hair may be for you. The price is definitely one of the main advantages of using fake hair. Real hair may look and feel more natural but it can be incredibly expensive. Another advantage of using fake hair is that is holds it’s style for a long time. It will stay straight even if subjected to humidity or rain. It is important to take all these things into consideration when choosing your hair extensions, what may be ideal for one person may not be suitable for another so go for what best suits your needs.

 Next you can choose from a range of application methods. You can choose from braiding/weaving, wefts, bonding and fusion as a way of applying your extensions. All of these methods have different pros and cons and some are better for your hair than others. All these methods are considered to be permanent in that they last up to 6 months but if you are looking for something more temporary then you may want to opt for clip-in hair extensions. These can be put in and taken out whenever you want and they are easy to use yourself. These are perfect if you want to inject some instant glamour but don’t want to spend a fortune. You can get good quality sets of real hair clip in extensions for around ?50 and they last for a good 6 months providing you take good care of them.

 If you fancy changing your look or if you are frustrated at the slow rate at which your hair grows then why not give hair extensions a go! They are the perfect way to get full, thick hair without having to wait. You too can get the hair you’ve always dreamed of with hair extensions. For the very best in hair extensions why not visit the Inanch website. For more information <a href=”http://www.inanch.com/Services/Hair_Extensions/”> click here! </a>

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