Using Good Looks to Your Advantage
It’s unfortunate but sometimes being blessed with good looks can get you further in life. Some places hire based solely on your looks while others find it a positive to employ only beautiful people. It may seem shameful, but under these pressuring economic times you may have to use your looks to your advantage. We all do it at times. Just make sure you do it with a certain degree of humility. Here are three incidents where being good looking can benefit your life.
1. Job interviews- This is not only true for modeling, dancing, or acting roles. Even in the business world it couldn’t hurt to be drop dead gorgeous. Sometimes, males hire females based on their looks. Especially if the woman embraces it, it’s a win-win situation. Of course, you don’t want to rely solely on your looks when applying for employment but really, it never hurts to look good. Some places would just prefer to hire a great looking staff.
2. Working for tips- If you are a waitress, bartender, or server of any kind, it can be extremely beneficial to have good looks. Some people tip on a beauty scale basis. It’s pathetic but it’s true. If you work at a bar and there’s lots of competition, it couldn’t hurt to hop up on a bar stool and shake what your momma gave you. If you are trying to pay bills with the cash tips you earn, you will definitely want to embrace your good looks as much as you can to come out on top.
3. Presenting a product- If you work for an automotive company or high end magazine, you will definitely be asked to be in the ads if you are a beauty queen. Curvacious bodies go very well with In fact, it honestly increases sales. Imagine a car or sports magazine without the hot chicks and cheerleaders. It is just not as appealing. If you want to help out your company by selling twice as many products, try struttin your stuff now. It won’t hurt anything and it will most likely drive up sales. Ugly people don’t get this opportunity so accept your good looks and show off those curves.
Basically, if you are good looking and you know, use it to your advantage. As long as you do it in the most humble way possible, it probably won’t even get noticed. It definitely won’t harm your reputation. If you are smart and work hard then interviewing will be easy if you’ve got a cute face. Keep in mind that you should never be scared to be proud of your good looks, they may help you out in the long run. Just make sure you have the personality to match it.