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The top halloween costumes

The top Halloween costumes

It is Halloween time, and it is the time for play. Are you ready for the role that you want to be? Well, it is a good idea to be the Queen of Halloween. Come take a look at how to dress up and of course, you can be the spotlight in all Makeup parties. Most unusual appearance.

You Will Need:
•An awareness of current events  
•A group of friends
•A puppet

Step 1: Try a play on words 
Try a play on words. While punsare usually the territory of the damned, a clever turn of phrase can inspire a witty, unique costume.

Step 2: Pull from current events 
Pull from current events. Use celebrity gossip, politics, movies, local news items, or other cultural happenings as your inspiration.

Step 3: Go as a group 
A group costume can save you and your friends from the pressure of coming up with your own costumes. Pick a fun, offbeat theme, and revel in the camaraderie.

Step 4: Embody an abstract concept 
Pick an abstract concept or emotion, and dress accordingly. Since no one knows what “happy” or “physics” actually looks like, there’s no right answer.

Step 5: Make it a challenge 
Turn costume creation into a challenge! Set a time or dollar limit. Only use items you find in your basement. Dare yourself to shop in a single store, and make it one that doesn’t sell costumes.

Step 6: Incorporate a puppet 
Whether you create an elaborate costume around a puppet, or the puppet simply stands on its own, it’s always fun to have everyone say hello to your little friend.

Step 7: Keep it simple 
Want to be a golfer? Throw on a newsboy cap, and hold a putter. Sometimes simplicity is king.

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