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The best teeth whiteners to get that perfect smile

The Best Teeth Whiteners to Get That Perfect Smile

Why a bright honest smile is so valued? Showing beautiful white and sparkling teeth in a great smile wakes sympathy and warm feelings. Beautiful smile opens the door to better jobs opportunities and makes easy friendships. This is why people want white and attractive teeth.
It is no wonder then that many people don’t think twice if they need to spend the money on teeth whitening.  They would gladly undergo any procedure, as unpleasant t it can be, just to show that perfect smile.
Some might be blessed with those incredibly white teeth, which are looking like amazing set of pearls. But even those have to suffer the consequences of the natural discoloring of their choppers. And this is done very easy just by consuming everyday drinks like coffee or tea, having red wine or different type of juices, especially those with red or purple color, like black currant. The teeth of the people who smoke, are becoming unpleasantly yellow. Additionally, the discoloration may occur quite often due to cracks on the teeth or using antibiotics.
To get the white teeth smile, teeth whitening is the way. Although there quite many different methods of making teeth white the whitening procedure is based on one simple formula. Without taking away or damaging the tooth surface the teeth will get lighter shade of their original color.
So, how can the teeth whitening be achieved? These are two most common methods to get the best results.
B leaching is by far the most popular way of whitening teeth but it might be suitable for everybody. The dentist will determine if bleaching is the proper procedure. He will also tell which products to use or he will treat the teeth in his office. This would be the most likely step.
The reason for that is that with bleaching one must be very careful. Before the procedure, the dentist puts protective shield on the gums. The shield may be either gel or rubber. The next step is applying the bleaching product to the teeth. This is done with the help of special trays or mouth guards that are shape to fit the teeth and they are put in the patient’s mouth. The dentist will make an imprint of the patient mouth/teeth on the very first visit and the tray will be ready for the visits that will follow.
The bleaching product contains one or both of those active ingredients: carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. The both chemicals work in such way, that they actually use oxygen that gets into the teeth enamel to make your teeth whiter.
To successfully finish the treatment the dentist and the patient need few weeks with the very first visit for preparing for the mouth guard. Then, depending on the product, the whitening sessions of ca. 30 minutes to 1 hour each follow. The dentist will decide how many follow ups should occur.
Although the results can be very impressive, many patients complain about sensitive gums and have problems with eating and drinking after the treatments.
Laser Whitening.
Well, this procedure is definitely for everybody’s pocket as it is quite expensive. But, like with many other things in life, also with teeth whitening you get what you pay for as it is probably the best method for teeth whitening. Another downside to this treatment is, that not everybody may undergo this treatment and only the dentist can decide if the patient’s teeth are suitable for the procedure.
Here again, the dentist will apply a special guard to protect the gums. Then the dentist paints the whitening product on the patient’s teeth, which is followed by laser beam directed to the painted teeth. The laser is necessary as it simulates the bleaching ingredient in the whitening paint, which again speeds up the whitening process itself.
This method is really very effective. The patient’s teeth become visually whiter and brighter after just one sitting and the whitening results last much longer, too. There are the side effects similar to those of regular tooth bleaching. For the sensibility of the gums and teeth, the dentist may advice to use a special toothpaste.
It does not matter what procedure is taken. Most important is the safety of the patient and the whitening teeth should be done preferably by the dentist. The end result will be stunning and the wonderful smile is going to be worth of all the suffering.

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