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Stop smelly feet in its tracks

Stop Smelly Feet In Its Tracks

It happens to all of us at some point in time. After a while, your shoes begin to well, reek. When your shoes begin to smell depends on the individual. For some, an odor may not occur until the shoes are broken in and well-used. Others battle foot odor on a regular basis regardless of whether the shoe is old or fairly new. The key to fresh toes is to keep your feet clean and dry during the day in order to reduce the amount of bacteria that is in your shoes. Read these tips to find out how to keep your shoes from smelling like dirty laundry.

Wash those babies This means wash your feet well when you are showering, especially in between your toes. Some people may have to do this more than once per day if they sweat often or have troubles with foot odor. Change your socks often. By changing your socks at least twice a day, you hinder bacteria growth and keep your feet clean.

Come up for air If possible, buy breathable sneakers. These sneakers have air pockets, which allow air to circulate throughout the shoe. During the warmer seasons, opt for open-toed shoes as much as possible to keep bacteria from spreading. It is best to own several pairs of shoes so that you can rotate them frequently. The longer you wear one pair of shoes, the more likely you are to experience odor. Shoes and sneakers need a chance to “air out” so to speak. If you wear a certain pair of sneakers everyday, you are providing a hospitable place for the bacteria to live. Try not to wear the same shoes two days in a row. In addition, wear socks with shoes whenever possible to keep your feet dry.

Wet puppies You should never wear a pair of shoes that are damp. This is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria so you want to make sure your shoes are completely dry before using them. If you get caught in the rain, turn your shoes upside down when you get home to speed up the drying process.

Powder it up There are powders available with the specific purpose to combat foot odor, such as Gold Bond. You can also try cornstarch or talcum powder. Boric acid is stronger so just sprinkle it in your shoes and keep away from pets. These products may kill bacteria inside your shoes and keep your feet dry to prevent the bacteria from growing. Remember, bacteria thrives in moist environments.

Spray away! Again, you can purchase a spray for the feet. The popular odor eliminator, Febreeze, is meant for the household but numerous people have had success by using it for their sneakers. For a minty sensation, pour Listerine into a spray bottle and use on sneakers and shoes. Spraying alcohol inside your sneakers will also do the trick. Let sneakers dry completely (overnight) before wearing.

Freezer Burn Spray Febreeze in your sneakers and put each shoe in a Ziploc bag. Place them in the freezer for several hours. Let your sneakers thaw for at least one day to ensure that they are completely dry.

Give them the stick Applying deodorant to your feet before wearing shoes may help reduce odor and keep your feet from sweating. You can use regular deodorant to combat odor or an anti-perspirant to help with sweating. Sally Hansen sells a deodorant stick specifically for the feet.

Salty tongues For super sweaty feet, try mixing half a cup of kosher salt in a quart of warm water for 15 minutes.

These tips are useful whether your feet smell occasionally or more frequently. Either way, we all are faced with this issue and sometimes the easiest solutions are right at your fingertips.

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