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Steps to boosting eyelash growth brow and lash growth accelerator

Steps to Boosting Eyelash Growth – Brow and Lash Growth Accelerator

Wouldn’t you like to have longer and fuller eyelashes?

Of course you do. If you are like me you are tired of your missing and broken eyelashes. That’s when I started looking for ways to boost my eyelash growth.

Tired of thinning or lackluster eyelashes?

I know you are because I was too. I stumbled upon a method that is very simple and easy to use, and when done as directed it will be sure to help in growing eyelashes.

Here is the secret.

This is going to sound strange but it is castor oil. That’s right, knowing how to use this out of the way household product can be your answer to having those luscious lashes you have always wanted.

You will need to go to the grocery store to gather these items: a one ounce bottle of odor less and taste less castor oil, one lemon, a new clean mascara brush, and a small bottle of a few ounces. You probably already have the mascara brush and small bottle at home, but you will also need a lemon zester to use with the lemon peel.

Here are the steps to applying this method.

1. Pour the castor oil into your two to four ounce small bottle. The bottle can be glass or plastic, but make sure it has a screw on lid.

2. Take the lemon and wash it with cold water. Then use the lemon zester to make a small amount of zest, about one spoon full. Zest is just the finely grated lemon peel.

3. Put the lemon zest into the bottle of castor oil and allow it to steep for several days. This step is important, don’t rush this and allow the lemon extract to properly adhere to the castor oil.

4. Now, every night before bedtime you are going to apply the home made eyelash growth serum. All you do is use a clean mascara brush and apply the serum to your eyelashes, and eyebrows if you so choose.

5. The next morning wash off the serum. Repeat this process of application at bed time and rinsing off in the morning for several weeks.

There you have it. This is a simple and safe way to stimulate eyelash growth and promote eyebrow volume. No costly products to buy, or dangerous chemicals to use that might hurt you. Just plain, simple, and natural ingredients to give you an enormous lash you have been dreaming about.

Tired of your broken or missing eyelashes?

Wouldn’t you like to restore your eyelash length or have fuller eyebrows?

Products are available that promote eye brow and eyelash growth to restore your natural beauty. To learn more about these products follow this link ==> http://ardell-brow-and-lash-growth-accelerator.com

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