Large real estate , cars, small to Chanel handbags , Gucci glasses , most of them to a stunning second-hand luxury goods are the owner Dabei Ni onto the air waves . Although once rumors everywhere, on speculation the voices of doubt the owner constantly , but many of her supporters still love visiting the shop , and even friends , said his station only to buy luxury goods in Hong Kong and Milan , and only here can you let her believe that all is real.
Second-hand shopFashionSpace has long been respected , the stars seem to have a shop innate advantages. Kelly Chen , Joey Yung , etc. have been used to open shirt shops, stores selling those when only through the first red-carpet dress , the romantic scenes in a movie had been wearing jewelry or gifts from a number of sponsors Idle clothing , which are attractive for star effects and appears to greatly increased . Wera favorite Korean drama ” Stairway to Heaven ” , then travel to South Korea also did not forget to Choi Ji-woo in Seoul Guro -opened second-hand clothes shop to see . Wera think these second-hand goods are being used and worn as they are to become even more valuable , and this is the tour of the most exciting thing for her . In addition toClothes, Shoes and jewelry , used toy stores, second-hand guitar shop , and even Jay opened the antique shop selling second-hand model for all stars .
No. 41 , Lane percussion in the South to open luxury consignment shop Choi Jin told reporters , the sale of secondhand goods at his store two channels — the source acquisition and consignment . ” consignment items by the customers we provide recommendations based on the price of their pricing, transaction costs of 20% after the extraction , such as failure to complete two months, we received five percent management fee , consignment to the two For a period of months . ” In this way more convenient to sell their unused materials used , but also to the trading in second-hand goods is more flexible .