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Philippine cosmetic plastic surgery affordable option before and after decision making

Philippine Cosmetic Plastic Surgery : Affordable Option, Before and After Decision Making

Choosing the right surgeon for the Cosmetic Procedure you want.

Beauty or youthful look is something that we often desire and aspire for, that’s why a lot of people or company offers products or procedures that enhances our physical appearance. Most Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons believe that improving our physical appearance, make us feel good about ourselves or enhance our emotional well being and social acceptance. For some lucky people they are physically born with it and have maintained it through the years. And for a significantly increasing part of the population, they have opted to undergo a cosmetic procedure, to say the least.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery has gone a long way locally and worldwide. Nowadays more and more people have thought of and accepted such procedures as Rhinoplasty (Nose Job), Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery/Eye bag Removal), Rhytidectomy (Face Lift), Liposuction just to name a few.

As simple and easy as it may seem (according to your Plastic Surgeons), there are very important things that one has to keep in mind before plunging into that pool of youth and beauty. Everybody wants to have that extra boost of self esteem and confidence and achieve that timeless beauty through the best possible post operative results with the least of complication.

Plastic Surgeons are appropriately and completely termed Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons…, however they are now increasingly and popularly being called Plastic Cosmetic Surgeons.  The surgeon can not call himself a plastic surgeon unless he can do both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Since the very root of almost all cosmetic/aesthetic procedures can be traced from early reconstructive procedure. Thus a  surgeon whose main interest is aesthetic plastic surgery, must also have a firm foundation on the reconstructive surgery, to  better grasp the basic principle and application of cosmetic/aesthetic plastic surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery is a prerequisite in training for all plastic surgeons. So plastic surgeons are both an aesthetic/cosmetic surgeon and reconstructive surgeon. At present, there are just a relatively limited number of certified Plastic Surgeon that one can go to. However, the so called run of the mill cosmetic surgeons without adequate formal training and experience abound and are alarmingly increasing.

There are no short cuts to being one (Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon). It takes 6 to 8 years to transform a doctor after medical school into a Certified Plastic Surgeon (or 16 to 18 years to include Premed Course, Medicine Proper, Medical Internship, General Surgery Residency and Plastic Surgery Residency). It is through these years of formal training that Plastic Surgeons are able to acquire and equip themselves of the knowledge and skills that is required in his private practice. Such as knowing all possible options for a patient inquiring for a cosmetic procedure, being able to predict end result and being able to evaluate if patients are good candidate for the cosmetic procedure they want. And most importantly knowing the complications for any cosmetic and reconstructive procedure and being able to address if any complication arises.

So, if you have concerns on your looks and planning to have aesthetic or cosmetic enhancement of any part of your body. Planning to have a cosmetic plastic procedure and choosing the right surgeon are the major decisions you have to make. Your Surgeon should aim to provide safe and guaranteed results in the procedure they would offer you.

Borough Medical Care Institute Plastic Surgery Center, Located in Cybermall Tower One Building, Eastwood City, Libis, Quezon City, is a place patient can strongly consider. There you will find a group of fully trained, certified Plastic Surgeons performing beauty enhancing procedures all year round.

Dr. Rino Lorenzo VII (you can read the complete discussion on www.philippinecosmetic.com ) a member of the group, shares some tips on  your decision-making.

1.Cosmetic Surgery should be done only according to the highest standards by the most competent surgeons.

2.Take time and effort in knowing your doctor’s academic profile and formal training in the field of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery.

3.Determine if your surgeon has organizational affiliation and privileges in Plastic Surgery.

4.Take note if the outpatient facility is well equipped.

5.Don’t be encouraged to undergo the newest cosmetic product or procedure with out proven safety and result.

6.A good surgeon should be able to establish rapport with their patients, and is able to answer all your inquiries.  And evaluate if all your questions or worries were answered adequately.

The Borough Plastic Surgeons are competent in performing Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Procedures such as Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Alarplasty, Liposuction, Breast Enlargement and Reduction, Breast Reconstruction, Face Lift, Brow Lift, Butt Augmentation, Tummy Tuck and many more.

For more information on affordable cosmetic procedure, selecting qualified cosmetic plastic surgeon and to know all your options for the procedure you want to have you may visit :

  • www.cosmeticplasticsurgeryphil.com


Dr Rino Lorenzo is a Filipino Plastic Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon based in Manila, Philippines. He is a Board Certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, with 6 years of formal training in the field of Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Burn Plastic Surgery. Dr Rino Lorenzo is a Diplomate of the Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery and Fellow of the Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.

Disclaimer: “ Webmasters are free to reprint this article provided that it is not edited, the author’s information is included, and the links are included as live links.”

Resource box text: “Dr R Lorenzo  is the author of http://www.philippinecosmetic.com , a free guide to affordable cosmetic plastic procedures, choosing the right surgeon and safety tips in cosmetic plastic surgery, affordable and safe cosmetic surgery tourism”

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