5 Easy Ways to Prevent Your Acne From Coming Back
You have finally gotten rid of your acne problems and have cleared up your skin. But now you might be a little paranoid of acne creeping back on you, and you should be!!! These are 5 easy ways to prevent your acne from coming back and starting the cycle all over again.
1. You Must Wash Your Face Daily
You should wash your face once at in the morning and before you go to sleep. A mild soap or an acne wash should be used. If you over-do it you will ultimately dry your face out, and your skin will begin to peel.
2. Only Touch Your Face When You Are Washing It
Your hands and fingernails contain thousands of bacteria and we touch our face we transfer the bacteria, which will clog up our pores causing breakouts.
3. You Must Drink Plenty of Water
To flush out toxins in your body you have to drink plenty of water. It will make your face look better because it reduces the breakouts and also the swelling.
4. Eat Less Sugars
This may be the hardest one to abide to but you have to do it. If you clean up your diet by getting rid of the sugars and soda you are on your way to saying good bye to acne. Bacteria lives in most sugars.
5. Zinc, Add It to Your Diet
Zinc is a great supplement that helps balance out your hormones, so you won’t have to worry about the over production sebum oil.
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