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Looking into the major cause of cellulite and its possible risks

Looking Into the Major Cause of Cellulite and Its Possible Risks

Cellulite is a term that is everywhere. This is because it is a common condition that can affect a lot of people. You may not know what cellulite is exactly. If that is the case, you should start learning about it. You might just be one of the millions who have it.
For a long time now, cellulite has been considered a cosmetic and not a medical term. If you are therefore looking for the definition and cause of cellulite, you might not find it in medical books. Cellulite is not really considered a life-threatening condition that deserves immediate medical attention.
If you need help looking for your cellulite deposits, try looking at your buttocks and thighs. You might also want to check your legs. In some people, cellulite may be quite obvious. The dimpled area that may look like cottage cheese or orange peels that jiggle is a sign. If you can’t see it, try pinching your flesh. That would reveal dimpled areas.
Effects of Cellulite
Even though cellulite may not be deadly, we still need to look at the cause of cellulite and possible solutions. Cellulite is simply unsightly which makes it embarrassing. The worst thing about it is that it can actually get worse. No one deserves to suffer the indignity of having to go around with cellulite. Even if cellulite can’t hurt a person physically, it can cause a lot of emotional pain. People with it may be stared at and even criticized by others. This creates the need to constantly cover themselves even during warm seasons.
Cause of Cellulite
Cellulite is caused by excess fat cells taking up too much space in the skin’s connective tissues. Because the skin cannot hold back all the fat, the fat spills over, creating the dimpled look. It is because of cellulite being referred to as fat that some think that the immediate cause of cellulite is overeating. This may not always be the case. Although many overweight people have cellulite, there are also healthy and fit individuals who develop cellulite.
Risk Factors
There are no absolute factors that can determine for sure who gets to have a severe case of cellulite. It is possible though that there may be some factors that increase the risk of development. An unhealthy diet and a predominantly sedentary lifestyle for example have been cited as possible contributory factors to the cause. Of course, older people may have higher chances of developing cellulite because they have less firm skin, making cellulite more obvious.
It is also a fact that women have higher chances of getting cellulite than men. Although some men also develop cellulite, theirs may be less obvious. This is because male skin tissues are arranged differently as females. The female honeycomb pattern of connective tissues makes it easier for fat to occupy.
Remember, it may not be entirely your fault if you have a cellulite condition. It can happen to anybody. It is your choice though if you want to continue living with the embarrassment of having cellulite.

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