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Latisse stimulates eyelash growth for those with little eyelashes

Latisse Stimulates Eyelash Growth for Those with Little Eyelashes

Patients who have thin or small eyelashes may be interested in the benefits of Latisse. When patients have applied Latisse on a regular basis, many have noticed thicker, darker and fuller eyelashes. Those interested in learning more about promoting eyelash growth through Latisse should speak with a medical professional at a reputable clinic in their area to discuss treatment.
Anybody who wants to grow thicker, fuller eyelashes may be a candidate for Latisse. Patients with sensitive eyes should consult a medical professional to discuss their candidacy, but research has shown that patients with sensitive eyes have been able to use Latisse. Women who are pregnant and patients with skin infections or other conditions affecting the upper eyelids are not good candidates for this procedure.
Moreover, those with neurological or other diseases and patients suffering from severe allergies should consult a medical professional to discuss their candidacy. Before beginning use, patients should disclose any antibiotics, heart medication or other drugs they are taking to prevent any complications and to reduce the risk of certain side effects.
Continued use of Latisse has led many patients to obtain fuller, thicker upper eyelid lashes, but these results last only as long as the current eyelash growth cycle. This is typically one to two months. For this reason, continued use of this treatment may be important in maintaining results. For more information about the longevity of this treatment patients should consult a medical professional with knowledge of Latisse.
Patients are able to apply this treatment themselves in the comfort of their own home. Patients should first wash their face and remove makeup, creams and contacts. To apply treatment, patients use an applicator to apply the treatment to the base of the upper eyelid. Before patients begin using Latisse they should speak with a medical professional for a detailed explanation regarding the application of this treatment.
Temporary itching and slight redness have been reported after the application of Latisse, but these side effects may subside once the body becomes familiar with this treatment. Patients may gradually begin to notice the results of this product after about four to eight weeks. Optimal results may be noticeable 16 weeks following the first application.
This treatment has been approved by the FDA as a lash growth application. Before beginning use, it is important that patients consult a medical professional to discuss their goals and whether this treatment is right for them.

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