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Laser hair removal risk know what they are today

Laser Hair Removal Risk- Know What They Are Today

Among the top choices in methods for removing unwanted hair is laser treatment and it has become quite popular especially to those who want a faster way of dealing with this pesky problem.  Just like any cosmetic procedure however, laser hair removal poses certain risks and it is imperative that you know what they are before you decide to go through with the treatment.
The most common laser hair removal risk is burning.  The heat coming from the light used in order to singe the hair follicles can become too high that it causes burns and blisters on the skin surface.  The damage can range from superficial to serious and there are even some cases where the burns are too critical that emergency surgery had to be done in order to save the patient.
Another laser hair removal risk is hyper pigmentation.  This condition is caused by the over production of melanin in the skin.  This is particularly difficult to deal with especially for people with fair skin because the pigments will be very ostentatious and there is no quick remedy that can be used to correct it.
The thing with hyper pigmentation is that you will not notice it at once.  The pigments will not be noticeable immediately after the laser treatment.  However, the more treatments you have, the more serious the condition will become until you see all the dark spots on the area where you had the procedure done as well as the surrounding parts.
Hypo pigmentation is another risk that may arise from laser treatments.  This is the exact opposite of hyper pigmentation because in this case, the problem is lack of melanin on the skin.  This is equally a cause for concern because lack of melanin on the skin can develop into other serious skin conditions.  You have to remember that melanin protects the skin and without such protection, it becomes vulnerable to all sorts of threats such as melanoma or skin cancer.

Here are some tips for you to avoid laser hair removal risk:

  • Talk to your dermatologist about the procedure.  Relay your concerns so that if there is any way that the procedure can be performed without the risks of burning and pigmentation, the necessary steps can be taken.
  • Communicate with your doctor while the procedure is being done.  If you feel that the heat is too much for your skin to take, make sure that you inform the attending dermatologist at once in order for the treatment to be stopped before serious damage is inflicted.
  • Do not go beyond what is recommended to your by the dermatologist just because you want all the hair in your body permanently removed.  There is only so much that your skin can take over a period of time which means that you have to let it sit before you start with  treatments again.
  • Take the precautions as instructed by your doctor.  If there are certain topical or oral medications that you are instructed to use in order to pre-empt any infection or negative reaction, make certain that you do so.
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