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Information on baldness

Information on Baldness

It never fails to amaze me just how many lotions and potions are available today to treat male baldness, with the sad fact, as you may have found out, that most of them don’t work! Once you understand the most common cause you can then look for the best solution.
The first option, and probably the most well known is for to have a transplant of some sort. As regards timing with this it is advised not to have this procedure done if you are in the early stages of going bald because there will be more hair that will fall out and this will make the hair that has been transplanted look out of place.
This was originally used to treat high blood pressure until it was noticed that the patient’s hair grew at an alarming rate! This is applied daily to the scalp to block DHT and improve the circulation of oxygen rich blood and for women, it is the only FDA approved treatment for hair loss.
Build good eating habits such as green vegetables, protein-rich foods such as milk, curds, fish, pulses and have balanced diet to stop hair loss. Stop consumption of alcohol, caffeine, aerated drinks, junk food etc. Stress, dieting, excess salt consumption should be avoided. Herbs such as ginko, green tea, saw palmetto can be used as natural ingredient to treat hair problems.
This by-product of testosterone affects both men and women and latches onto the follicles and suffocates them, making the hair thinner until it falls right out. This is why you may experience a long period where your hair just thins out a lot before finding a bald patch.
Any decent baldness treatment should contain these nutrients and also Minoxidil which is applied directly to your scalp to compliment the others and is also effective at boosting the circulation and blocking the DHT.
Naturally, given the choice between the hair treatment options for baldness that focus on stopping the acute hair loss that is characteristic of baldness and hair treatment options that focus on just masking the effects of the baldness, most people would opt for the former (the hair treatment options that attempt to stop the baldness).
Dihydrotestostrone (DHT) is known as a hormonal byproduct of testosterone, which has been known to stump hair follicle growth. Finding a natural product which uses a combination of key ingredients such as Nettle and Saw Palmetto not only helps block DHT, but also is essential to a successful male patter baldness treatment.
The one thing to understand is that any company who is offering instant or fast results to new hair growth is simply playing on the idea that you may be uncomfortable and even desperate to cure the male pattern baldness on one side, in hopes that you’ll buy into the hype. Don’t do it!
An ingredient approved by the FDA that’s been PROVEN to inhibit the production of DHT is Minoxidil. So make it a priority to find a hair loss male pattern baldness treatment that contains Minoxidil as a primary active ingredient. Products without it are simply just a waste of time and money.

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