Acne Still Bothers Adults
You are 35 years old, and high school is light years away. You are getting ready for a blind date inside your bathroom, and you are about to put on your foundation, when you noticed a huge zit – right smack at the tip of your nose! Are you not you supposed to be over those acne problems?
Acne is not only relegated as a teen problem. Roughly 20% of all women beyond the age of 25 can experience an acne problem. Acne is caused by clogged pores, as a result of buildup from dirt and oils. When that happens, bacteria and unwanted organisms thrive and create blemishes or worse, pus that typifies acne. When acne spreads in the face, or in our bodies, it can be pretty embarrassing for some people. Besides active oil glands and hormones, acne can also be caused by stress, lack of sleep or water and poor eating habits.
Preventing and treating acne is as easy as 1-2-3. The first thing to remember is practice good, cleaning habits. Washing your face with a gentle cleanser once or twice a day will help in cleaning and ridding off the dirt from your face and unclogging your pores. Avoid cleansers with harsh chemicals or those that contain granules, since it can worsen rather than help you clean your face.
After washing, use salicylic acid to exfoliate the skin. Using a small cotton, dab small amounts of the toner, and remove your freshly washed face with excess dirt that may not have been removed. Exfoliating the skin also helps in maintaining the skin’s color and tone. For treating spot acne, dab it with cotton swabbed with benzoyl peroxide. This will allow the acne to dry up and eventually disappear
Treating acne on the outside will not be complete without treating your body on the inside or changing your unhealthy behaviors. Do not pop your acne or it will worsen. Avoid putting your hands anywhere near your face, since they hands contain the most germs in our body. Practice eating healthy foods, especially vegetables and fruits and avoid oily and sweet foods as much as you can. Get enough sleep, and drink lots of water. Best of all, manage stress at all times.
There are other alternatives in treating acne. Acne light treatment uses state-of-the art technology in removing those unwanted acne, by using blue or red light rays that is both drug-free and easy to administer. Acne light treatments are an innovative acne treatment procedure that easily removes bacteria by injecting them with blue or red light rays thereby increasing the levels of free radicals and vanquishing the bacterial infection.