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How to lose inches

How to Lose Inches!

Here’s how to lose inches from all over your body. I’m going to share with you ways to make inches disappear from your waist, butt, hips, and thighs… WITHOUT you having to waste tons of time cooking meals or working out at the gym.

1. Waist… do the vacuum pose and use a hula hoop

You know about hula hooping… just be sure to get a weighted hula hoop. They’re more expensive, but SO worth it! Hula hoop for 10 minutes a day whenever you have some spare free time. A great tip to save you time… do it during tv commercials.

Now, on to the vacuum pose.

You basically suck in your belly with these. But to get the most out of this isometric exercise, you need to remember to focus on the lower belly around the belly button when doing these.

You should notice your pants getting looser within 10 days doing this for only 5 minutes a day. Each vacuum pose should last about 15-30 or so seconds. Within a month you’ll have lost a couple inches from your waist.

2. Butt, hips, and thighs… do either 15-20 degree incline walking or mini-trampoline jumping

Mini-trampoline jumping really doesn’t need any explaining. A mini-trampoline is cheap and gets tremendous results. Find the time to do a consistent 20 minutes each day.

Incline walking is a class above normal walking… especially if you’re looking for quick weight loss. General walking is more for health and weight maintenance instead of fast weight loss. Incline a treadmill to 20 degrees and walk at a pace of around 4mph for 20 minutes.

Seriously, just making this 1 change will save you hours and hours of wasted time at the gym and get you weight loss results 5 times faster.

This is a simple, yet powerful way on how to lose inches fast.

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