How To Lose Chubby Cheeks – Perfect Cheekbones
Do you want to know how to lose chubby cheeks? Well, here are some tips.
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There is no such thing as spot reduction. Therefore, you know that you will have to lose overall body fat to get rid of chubby cheeks. What you need to do is to engage in facial exercises. Facial exercises do not work to take fat off from your face. Instead, they make your face look more toned, firmer, and younger.
The best cheek muscle exercise is to constantly wear a natural smile as often as you can. You may choose t o smile with your lip closed or with your teeth showing. Then, face the mirror and try to touch your nose with your upper lip by protruding it upward. While doing this, elevate the corners of your lips and contract your cheeks up to your eyes. Maintain this position for about ten seconds and then relax. Do this five times, and then proceed to making an exaggerated smile in front of the mirror. Close your lips, and smile as wide as you can, as if trying to touch both your ears with the corners of your mouth. Hold this position for about ten seconds, relax, and repeat four more times.
After doing the exaggeratedly wide smile, it’s time to do the fish face. In order to do this, close your lips and do a natural smile. Then, suck both your cheeks. Hold this position for five to eight seconds, relax, and do four more repetitions. The last cheek muscle exercise is to close your mouth and to puff your right and left cheek alternately.
Aside from facial exercises, remember that another way on how to lose chubby cheeks is to lose overall body fat. You can achieve this by doing some form of cardio, such as cycling, running, swimming, or dancing.
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