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Acne know how to get rid of it

Acne Know How to Get Rid of It


  1. Keep the skin as clean as possible,but over cleaning can make the problem worse as it strips off the essential oils.
  2. It is advisable to wash the affected areas twice a day using medicated soaps or cleansers designed to get rid of acne.
  3. There are a lot of creams and cleansers on the market now and some have anti inflammatory bases which assists reduction in the swelling of the acne and this helps reduce the appearance.
  4. Drinking at least 2 litres of water per day helps flush out impurities from the body which can give healthier looking skin
  5. Exercise helps a great deal as this helps with the blood flow to the rest of the body.
  6. Eating healthily is of great help,minimising fatty food,sugary foods and maximising more on the fruits and vegetables has proven to be giving great results.
  7. Keep you hands off your face!l can’t emphasise this enough,the temptation to keep squeezing out the “blackheads” or the fresh pimple may seem unresistable but keeping your hands off your face will prevent reinfection and spreading the infection to uninfected areas which will only make the situation worse.
  8. Resting and having a good sleep assists the skin to recover more easily.
  9. If the problem persists it is advisable to see your Doctor who might prescribe some medications to ease the problem which might include some hormonal medications to alter the progesterone and oestrogen levels.
  10. Last but not least stay confident as it is a common condition which affects most teenagers.
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