How To Get Rid Of Double Chin – Perfect Cheekbones
Double chins are fat deposits that may appear due to several reasons. The major causes of double chin are hereditary pre-disposition, age, and excess body fat. Once you determine the cause of your double chin, you may be able to get rid of it without surgery. Here’s how to get rid of double chin.
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Number one: Watch what you eat. Monitoring and regulating your caloric intake is perhaps the most effective means of getting rid of a double chin. Science has proven that processing calories is what ages our bodies the most. The fewer calories your body has to process, the less fat you’ll find on your face.
Number two: Exercise your platysma muscle. The platsyma muscle runs up the neck and under the chin. It is responsible for the movement of the lower jaw, neck, and mouth. This muscle can be tightened to help remove the double chin. Platysma exercise is an exercise where you open the mouth as widely as possible, then stretch the lower lip and jaw over your top row of teeth. Exercising this muscle will tighten the muscles around the chin and help you lose your double chin.
Number three: Chew some gum. Keeping your jaw and facial muscles moving and working is the key to preventing the build up of excess fat and loose skin. The muscles in your face responsible for keeping your jaw line tight are the same muscles that you use to chew and make facial expressions, thus, chewing gum and making facial expressions will help retain that jaw line.
Number four: Do some chin slap by continuously tapping your chin with the dorsal part of your hand. Repeat this motion for as long as you can tolerate and do this procedure for as often as you can remember. Number five: Maintain good posture. Sitting up and keeping your jaw slightly jutted during the day is a simple and easy way on how to get rid of double chin.
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