How to Cure Acne?
Almost everybody in this world suffer from acne. The severity may vary from mild to highly severe depending on the age and the pimples. Acne is commonly found in young adults who are teenagers. For these people the changes in the hormone secretion during the puberty will stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil. When dirt combines with oil, it leads to the development of bacteria. As a result, pimples are formed and pimples are generally found in face, chest, and neck and in some cases they appear in shoulders also.
People in the age group of 12-24 suffer from temporal acne and their pimples will go away even if they don’t take treatments. But acne may appear in adults too and adult acne must be treated properly to maintain healthy skin. To treat acne, the main reason for the cause of acne has to be identified.
When you suffer from acute acne you must consult a dermatologist for further treatment. Many people use ointments that are prescribed for their friends or relatives. Every person has a unique skin and a different reason for the appearance of pimples. Hence it is necessary to visit a doctor for acne treatments.
The acne treatments will always result in slow disappearance of pimples. There is no single treatment that produces magic or treats acne. The medication will last for six weeks for providing cure. The treatment that was effective with one person may not have the same result on the other person. The dermatologist must analyze the skin and the cause for acne for curing it. If any ointment promises magical result for acne, just ignore it.
Various home remedies are followed to cure acne. These home remedies can be followed when the problems are mild.
o Drink lots of water
o Wash your face often with a good quality face wash to clear the dirt and the oil that has accumulated. The dirt might block the pores resulting in the development of bacteria. The pores must be open so that the skin breathes.
o Make a paste of baking soda and apply on your pimples. This helps in reducing the itchy feeling and the reddish nature of the swelling.
o Make a paste of oatmeal and water and apply on the pimples for atleast twenty minutes.
o Make a paste out of smashes apple and four tablespoons of honey and apply on your face. This face mask will reduce the oil in the skin and nourishes the skin.
Severe cases of acne might develop pustules and cysts on the skin with a transparent fluid filling the pustules. When not treated properly these cysts will break down and the fluid will affect the area of the skin that is exposed to it. It is necessary to visit a dermatologist to get the prescribed treatment for acute acne.
o Peel treatment – a mixture of glycolic acid and light chemicals will loosen the black heads and reduce the pain. This should be done by a dermatologist.
o Comedo extractions – acne is sometimes called as comedo. The black heads and whiteheads are removed directly in this treatment. This will cure acne faster but it must be done by an expert. Check the qualifications of your dermatologist before taking this treatment. If this treatment is improperly finishes, then the skin may be affected by streptococci and staphylococci infection which will result in scars.
o Surgery – for larger cysts that contain fluids, the only way to cure them is to open the cyst and drain the puss. The pustules are surgically extracted but the scar will remain.
o Laser therapy – the latest technology in acne treatment use the laser beam to destroy the bacteria that is causing the infection. Small scars can also be treated using laser and they will disappear after the treatment thereby removing the irregularities in the skin.
o Acupuncture – this involves stimulating certain points in the body to activate the self repair system in the human body. Though there is no proof for this treatment many people are taking this treatment as it has no side effects at all.
Over the counter treatments
Certain medicines that provide cure for common acne are available in the market. These medicines can be used for curing acne but they produce slow results. Mild acne can be treated by these common medicines.
Benzyl Peroxide – this is a bleaching agent and a mild composition can be applied on pimples. This will remove oil and will stop the development of P.acnes which is responsible for causing acne. This should not be applied on hair and must be carefully used. Otherwise, the skin will become very dry.
Resorcinol – this removes whiteheads and blackheads
Salicylic Acid – this will reduce the itch and the pain. But it cannot fight against the bacteria nor reduce the oil secretion.
Sulfur – this is used in combination with the above chemicals for curing acne. The actual reason for the effectiveness of sulfur is still unknown.
B5 vitamins – certain dermatologist prescribe consumption of b5 vitamin pills as it fights against acne.
The above home remedies can be followed to cure acne. But if they don’t work you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor may prescribe any one of the following:
o Topical microbials – climdamycin and erythromycin are antimicrobials used for curing acne.
o Topical Retinoids – these are vitamin derivatives that are commonly prescribed for acne with swelling. This may lead to irritation to some skin types and may cause the skin tobe more sensitive to sun.
o Oral Antibiotics – these are also used for caring acne as they fight against p.acnes.
o Oral Contraceptives – these will restrain the hyperactive sebaceous glands thus minimizing the serum that is produced.
Acne can be cured by creams, gels and foam that can fight against p.acnes or control the oil that is produced. Creams are prescribed for dry skin and gels are prescribed for oily skin.
Generally doctors will prescribe medicines along with some of these products for curing acne. Certain products may cause itching but don’t scratch your pimple. Also always consult a doctor when you have acne and don’t follow self medication.