Acne Cures – The Truth Behind Common Acne Cures and the Holistic Approach
Are there any natural, side effect-free acne cures available in the market that really works? Can the much publicized drug-free acne cures and OTC medications ever take care of the multi-dimensional factors that cause acne or they are merely meant for addressing its side effects, providing temporary relief?
The answer unfortunately is in the negative. After years of painstaking holistic acne research, the author has come to the conclusion that more than 99% of the so called acne treatments available through the medical counters do not work and will never work in curing this disease condition that afflicts millions of America’s youth every year.
Reasons Behind This Apparent Futility
The reasons behind this obvious ineffectuality are two-fold. While the pharmacist is happy to make his dough by providing quick relief to the acne sufferer without bothering to go into the root cause behind the distressing disease condition, the acne sufferer feels happy as long as symptomatic relief is near at hand, no matter what has caused it.
The Disease Lies Much Deeper Than The Skin – And That’s The Primary Reason Why Most Conventional Acne Cures, Acne Drugs, Acne Creams, Acne Diets, Hormonal Acne Supplements As Also The Much Talked About Herbal Acne Treatments Are Nothing But ‘Hoax’ As Far As A Permanent Cure Is Concerned.
The prime predicament that confronts the acne sufferers is their total indifference towards delving deeper into the cause of their suffering and finding out the real culprit. Since acne is not merely a skin problem – multi-dimensional issues, some external, some external are intensely involved in it. But unfortunately, these causative factors are despondently overlooked, pain and discomfort taking the hot seat. And the results are as expected. All the so called well advertised All-natural cures that include Chinese herbal acne treatments, exclusive hormonal supplements for acne and many others prove total failures in curing the disease whose manifestation takes the form of acne.
Holistic Acne Cures Is The Only Way Towards Total Acne Freedom
The holistic approach towards acne cure involves much greater parameters than the pimples. In fact, the holistic approach is the only way you can successfully get rid of the acne problems. It digs deeper in turning the wayward system back to health by regulating the breadth, regulating food habits and if necessary, changing the lifestyle so that the person can lead a more meaningful and healthful life. And, in the process, the body becomes