How To Avoid Buying Fake Coach Purses?
Coach is so popular that no one has not heard of it in USA. Most Coach handbags in the market are original but there are some fake coach bags both in shops and on Internet. If you do not want to put your money on a replica one, it is useful to check if the purse you like is a genuine one or a replica one. The following is my personal experience of how to spot fake coach bags.
First, you should examine the outside of your bag. Does it have cc pattern on the outside? If the answer is yes, then it is quite possible an authentic Coach bag. But this method is not 100% certain. Then you have to check if inside lining of your bag is pattern free or not. If the answer is yes, then you can make sure this one is not original. In other words, it is fake. It is needed for you to notice some original Coach purses also have no cc pattern on the inside or outside. These coach purses are very classic ones which are produced in 1990s.
Second, you should check hardware of the coach bags regularly referred to as the “fixtures”. It is a great way to spot fake coach. Cheap Coach purses have the logo on most of the fixtures (I mean most). However, there are one exception to it. Some cheap coach purses do not have as well as so called “the new Coach Legacy bags”. This series do not have Coach stamping.
The third, you should judge how reliable of the seller. If you want to buy coach purses in some small shops in New York, you should check all the handbags they are selling. Are they sold at very good price? Does a gucci purse sell at $50? If yes, you can be quite sure that the shop is not reliable. It sells fake coach purses.
The last, do trust any Coach outlet store online. As my experience, they are all illegal.