How much cologne to apply ?
Wearing too much cologne can hurt others and as well as hurt yourself. Colognes are made of ingredients coming from wood, flowers, fruits and many more and you may not know exactly what is in it. Some people could have sensitive skin and by applying too much of cologne everyday for 365 days, of course this will hurt the skin.
Wearing cologne will give a nice aroma of body odour, would there? but too much of it, could also result in those around you would not feel comfortable, and would try to maintain as much distance as possible from you. You would do the same if you were them, thus the space in between both parties would serve as a shield to minimize the effects of excessive cologne.
How do you know that you are wearing too much cologne ? If the cologne that you are wearing are able to travel for a distance exceeding two feet, then you have worn too much cologne. Although colognes are used to cover body odour as well as carry your personality, not everyone would want to know that you are in the room.
Take note that not everyone around you would like your choice of cologne, thus it is best to keep it personal. Being able to sense your cologne from about a meter away is not appealing anymore, it is being intrusive and close to disgusting.
One other way of detecting that you wear too much cologne is the loss of your ability to smell well or identify smells correctly. Constantly being in contact with a very strong scent (your cologne) would affect your smell sensing genes, and you are most probably drowning your senses within your own cologne. This is not very healthy, and thus should be rectified.
Remember that everything is good when used in moderation, and colognes are no different. When used well, colognes are attractive and appealing, however misuse them; the effects could be horrible and even catastrophic. Take extreme care to make sure that this does not happen to you, and make sure that you accomplish quick rectifications if you are currently using too much of cologne