How Knowing the Different Types of Acne Will Greatly Help in Your Acne Treatment
Identifying the types of acne you have can help in your acne treatment significantly. One of the key reason why many people has experience failure in treating their acne is because they did not use the most suitable treatment for their types of acne. Many people tend to follow the hype on the most popular acne treatment. Unfortunately, different kind of acne work best with different types of treatment. A treatment that works well for one kind of acne might not produce the same effects for another kind of acne.
Allow me to elaborate on different types of acne.
Acne can be divided into two groups, inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Non- inflammatory acne includes comedones acne, which are whiteheads and blackheads, also considered as mild acne types. Inflammatory acne includes moderate acne types like papule and pustule, which is the scientific name for pimple. Severe forms of inflammatory acne are cyst and nodule, which can cause serious infection and has high probability of causing scarring.
It is important to know what sort of acne you have, as each group of acne, from mild to severe, has very different types of treatment that would work best for them. For example, topical treatment like benzoyl peroxide works extremely well for comedonal acne. However, when it comes to treating severe acne like cystic acne, benzoyl peroxide is ineffectual.
Sometimes, it’s not about the effectiveness of the treatment. Instead, it is about the side effects of certain powerful treatment. An example could be accutane. As most of you know, accutane is a treatment that works astonishing well for severe acne. But of course, with the presence so many irritating side effects, accutane is a treatment that should be kept to minimum unless the acne condition of an individual is in severe state. Hence, accutane should not be used of mild and moderate types of acne condition.
Knowing the category of acne you had gives you a head start for your acne treatment. Knowing that, you can treat your acne based on the best suited treatment for the respective type of acne you suffer from. This would ensure that you will constantly receive the finest treatment for your acne. Now you know that different kinds of acne require different types of treatment. If you want know about the different types of treatment for different kinds of acne, you can sign up for my e-course “Step-By-Step Tips For Your Adult Acne Treatment”. There is a link below that links to my site and you can sign up for the e-course from there.
Grab our exclusive acne e-course “Wits for Zits” for FREE and also our acne report “STOP these acne treatment” for FREE.
What’s more, it’s all available for FREE, you definitely can’t miss it!