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Horses for sale are obtainable in growing numbers

Horses For Sale Are Obtainable In Growing Numbers

The number of horses for sale has grown in size, largely due to economic slow down. Owners simply cannot afford to keep these expensive animals. Many horses end up in shelters simply because their owners can no longer afford to keep them. Even high-priced and well-trained show horses are selling for a small amount of what they used to sell for.

Horses are available in every breed, riding discipline and price level. Owning a horse should be considered a long-term investment. Buyers should be careful when making this type of investment. There are many factors to consider before purchasing. There are a variety of different sources a person can utilise to find the right horse.

A potential buyer should decide specifically what he or she intends to use the horse for. This streamlines the purchase process, making it easier to select the right animal. Most horses cannot be utilized for all purposes, simply because they lack the training. Their body type may only be suited for specific uses. For example, a draft horse would not be effective at herding cattle. A thoroughbred racehorse fresh from the race track would not make a good child’s horse.

There is a huge variety of resources available to buyers for locating a suitable horse. A large amount of websites specialize in listing sale horses for any riding discipline, all breeds and locations. Sellers can upload photos on the site. The buyer can usually sort sales lists by price, breed, or geographic location. Most show sale horses all over the world.

More traditional search methods also exist. Auctions usually sell horses at bargain prices, and are held on a regular basis. Horses should be purchased at auction only by those with extensive horse knowledge. Breeders and trainers are also very good resources. Breeders usually sell the animals that they have bred and raised. Trainers may or may not be in the business of selling horses, but have a lot of connections to sellers in the horse world. Breed associations usually list horses for sale in the classified sections of their newsletters or magazines.

If a buyer is seriously considering purchasing a horse, he or she should try to ride him a few different times. This way the buyer can get a clear picture of the animal’s demeanor, and the amount of training the horse has had. A second opinion from a trusted individual is very valuable. Try to have this person ride the mare, gelding or stallion you are considering. A trainer may charge a small fee for assisting in the search, but it is worth paying for.

Veterinary examinations are usually recommended. However the effectiveness of such an examination is somewhat controversial. Nevertheless, a complete stress test should be conducted. This helps to identify lameness issues. Some people believe that x-rays should be included in the exam, to thoroughly screen for any lameness issues. On the other hand, x-rays in older horses will usually show some sort of bone abnormality that may or may not cause lameness in the future.

A pre-purchase veterinary exam is recommended. This should include a complete stress test to rule out lameness. Some people like to have x-rays taken, but the efficacy of performing such a procedure is somewhat questionable. Certain individuals feel that x-rays are necessary to determine if there are any developing leg abnormalities. Others feel x-rays may falsely reveal issues that really are not problems.

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