Horses For Sale Are Growing In Number
A huge increase in horses for sale has resulted due to the current economic downturn. High-priced show horses are selling for a fraction of what their original value. Many owners are giving their horses away to shelters because they are no longer able to afford them.
Horses are available in every breed, riding discipline and price level. Owning a horse should be considered a long-term investment. Buyers should be careful when making this type of investment. There are many factors to consider before purchasing. There are a variety of different sources a person can utilise to find the right horse.
The buyer should decide specifically how he intends to use the horse. For example, will he be ridden for leisure on sport? Will he be used in show jumping competition? These are just two examples, but clearly knowing how the animal will be used also helps one to focus the search. A horse cannot perform a large amount of diverse tasks. By being more specific on how a horse is to be used, the buyer can successfully find the best horse for their purposes.
A wonderful way to begin a comprehensive search is to look at internet websites specializing in selling horses. Most of these websites are visited by buyers and sellers across the world. These resources provide access to horses used for a variety of activities. Information can be sorted by specific breed, as well as by location. The potential buyer can organize prospects by price, breed or riding discipline. Even if the animal is ultimately purchased from someone who has not advertised on the internet, these sites still provide valuable information from which the buyer can start his or her search.
More traditional search methods also exist. Auctions usually sell horses at bargain prices, and are held on a regular basis. Horses should be purchased at auction only by those with extensive horse knowledge. Breeders and trainers are also very good resources. Breeders usually sell the animals that they have bred and raised. Trainers may or may not be in the business of selling horses, but have a lot of connections to sellers in the horse world. Breed associations usually list horses for sale in the classified sections of their newsletters or magazines.
Regardless of the method of locating a prospect, it is very important to ride or at least visit the horse multiple times. This provides a better understanding of the horse’s temperament and level of training. Get a second opinion. Bring a trusted friend, colleague or trainer to see the horse. If possible, have this individual ride the horse as well. Trainers usually charge a small commission if a horse is purchased. The cost is well worth it to ensure that a suitable mount is identified.
It is a good idea to have the horse examined by a licensed veterinarian before completing the purchase. A thorough stress test should be included in the examination. The value of x-rays is somewhat controversial, however. Some believe x-rays are necessary to verify whether a horse has a developing lameness issue. Others do not think x-rays provide any value. They are believed to erroneously indicate a problem when none exist.
A variety of resources are available for finding horses for sale. A search is usually more comprehensive when one is looking for a more expensive animal for high level competition, or an animal necessary for a specialised discipline. Regardless of the type of horse one is looking for, it is a good idea to do thorough research, and tap on more than one resource to find that perfect horse.