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Homeopathic growth hormone

Homeopathic Growth Hormone

The most effective ingredient in weight loss supplements on the market today is human growth hormone releaser. However, many of these hormone releasers are a concoction of unproven, lab generated chemicals that may or may not incite the production of human growth hormones or HGH as it is commonly known. There are a few Homeopathic Growth Hormones in some of these supplements, but you have to know what to look for in the ingredients if you are to find them.

What are Human Growth Hormones? Human Growth Hormones or HGH are the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. In a healthy child, this hormone tells the body to grow and build muscle. In a healthy adult, this hormone regulates our metabolism.

Evidence of naturally occurring HGH at work: As we age the pituitary gland slows the production of this hormone which leads to weight gain, premature aging, and muscle loss. HGH can most clearly be seen at work in pituitary gland illnesses such as Hyperthyroidism (Too much HGH) or Hypothyroidism (Too little HGH). In hyperthyroidism the production of HGH goes through the roof causing extreme cases of weight loss in months or even weeks. Hypothyroidism is just the opposite, the brain quits producing HGH and the body ages rapidly, leading to extreme cases of wrinkles and weight gain in a few months’ time.

HGH supplements cannot create hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, but they mimic the behaviors in a positive way to regulate and naturally gradually encourage the production of this vital hormone.

Homeopathic sources of HGH Releasers: There are currently three ingredients with properties that can stimulate HGH production. These homeopathic growth hormones are the safest and most effective means of getting your pituitary gland to speed up. These ingredients include Acai Berry, Green Tea Extract, and Resveratrol.

Acai Berry: Has been described as nature’s wonder drug. This fruit has long been used as the basis for many supplements, but few understood why it worked. Recent discoveries have shed light on this mystery and explain that it works primary through the stimulation of the pituitary gland.

Green Tea Extract: Green Tea Extract contains a number of anti-oxidants and flavonoids that work with Acai Berry to enhance the stimulation of the pituitary gland as well as their many other homeopathic effects.

Resveratrol: This chemical is naturally created by plants as a defense mechanism against chemical agents like bacteria and mold. Its impact much like Acai berry has only recently been discovered. However, this byproduct of red grapes, wine, and other fruits and vegetables have been used in a number of products since 1939.

Taken separately as supplements each of these homeopathic ingredients can increase the pace at which you lose weight, build muscle, and increase your fitness level. Some studies have even demonstrated their ability to lower cholesterol levels and a number of other key benefits. However, it is safest to take these three ingredients in a combined supplement to avoid excess dosage and maximum results.

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