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High heels a major cause of corns

High Heels a Major Cause of Corns

How corns form

Have you ever wondered why your feet hurt after wearing high heels for extensive periods of time? In case you haven’t figured it out by now, there is a valid reason why people say that high heels are not good for your feet. For one, high heels can create corns on your precious toes. Imagine rocking a beautiful pair of shoes only to reveal not so beautiful feet underneath. Constant rubbing or friction causes corns. High heels cause your feet to slide up and down and pound against the front of the shoe. This causes dry skin or calluses to build up on certain areas of your foot, especially on and between your toes. The calluses, if not treated, eventually turn into corns. The corns will look like yellowish-gray dried bulbs of skin on your toes and on the pads of your feet. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and help reduce that umm…thingy on your foot.

Rethink those high heels

You are not going to like the sound of this, but you cannot buy every shoe you lay your eyes on. Believe me, your feet will thank you in the future. Opt for heels that are 3 inches or less to reduce tension in your feet. Also, choose heels that feel comfortable and that are not too tight. Convincing yourself that you can break the shoe in is bologna. If the shoes do not feel comfortable as soon as you try them on, leave them alone. Listen to your feet! You may not want to spend more money on comfortable shoes, but you can always find a sale. Alternating high heels with sneakers, flats, or shoes with a smaller heel (say 1-2 inches) will do wonders in preventing corns and keeping our feet beautiful. If you like to wear heels at work, wear sneakers to and from the workplace. Walking outside, especially on concrete, is a huge no no. Purchasing insoles also help to absorb shock and reduce friction. We are on our feet all day long and it is just not fair to have your feet in heels pounding on the pavement. And why is it that we continue to stand even when we don’t have to? Try to sit down as much as possible in between standing sessions to give your puppies a break.

How to get rid of corns

This advice is valuable, but what if you already have corns? How can you get rid of them? The first thing you need to do is give yourself a corn pedicure. Fill a basin with warm water and soak your feet for 15 minutes. Dry your feet with a towel and file those corns away with a pumice stone or callous trimmer. A pumice stone with a handle will give you more control. This is the best way to obtain smooth feet. Home remedies include applying natural apple cider vinegar or chamomile tea to your corn with a cotton ball and covering it with duct tape or a Band-Aid overnight. You can also try applying lemon oil or papaya juice 2-3 times daily to your corn. Your final option is to see a podiatrist. A podiatrist will freeze the corn off, shave it away or remove it with acid. Am I telling you to give up your beloved heels? Not necessarily. But you will have to take the proper measures to prevent corns in the future. After all, beautiful shoes come and go but beautiful feet are priceless.

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