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Here are homemade acne cures that will transform your skin forever

Here Are 6 Homemade Acne Cures That Will Transform Your Skin Forever

Acne can be very annoying and embarrassing to the sufferer. And not knowing how to cure it once you get it can be an added burden. I am going to teach you some homemade acne cures which are sure to help you clear up your acne in 3 days.

1. Apricot Juice : Apricot juice is a fantastic homemade acne cure that is sure going to help get rid of that acne and pimples in no time. To get maximum benefit from apricot juice, you need to apply it to the affected area for a minimum of 10 minutes every day.

2. Rosehip seed oil : Is another great homemade acne cure. It is a special type of oil which is present in cosmetics. It is one of the most effective homemade cure for acne and acne scars. For maximum benefit, you will never to massage the affected area with the oil for a minimum of 15 minutes daily.

3. Food and water : Yes you read it right. Eating good food and drinking gem free water is a very important way to clear up acne in no time. Your body needs as much water as it can get in order to flush out toxins from your bloodstream, which contributes to you breaking out with acne. Some classes of foods like Protein and Vitamins are also needed in order to clear up acne. Some of this foods boost your immune system and help to heal up acne and wounds much more faster.

Note : eating foods full of saturated or processed fats, vegetable oils and sugar will NEVER EVER help you clear up acne in good time but instead lead to much severe breakouts. These foods does nothing but to affect your hormone and insulin levels.

4. Vinegar and salt are also great homemade acne cures. For efficiency, it is important you mix vinegar and salt in a bowl of warm water. After mixing them with the water warm, you can then gently apply the mixture on your face and allow it to stay on your face for not less than 20 minutes and then wash it off.

5. Lemon juice with rose water can give magical benefits to cure acne. Apply 2 tablespoon lemon juice with 2 tablespoon of rose water on your face and rinse it only after 20-25 minutes. This application also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

6. baking soda is also a very good homemade acne cure. Exfoliate your skin with soda. You can give yourself a mini microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for sixty seconds then rinse it off.

The above are some of the most effective homemade acne cures available these days. You can use this homemade acne cures to get rid of your acne. Don’t allow acne to embarrass you again. You can have a clear, acne free skin if you truly desire it.

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