Having A Face Lift Over The Weekend
People in U.S. are consumed with the idea of staying young. So, it’s not a surprise that so many people decide that plastic surgery is a great way to combat the visible signs of aging like crows feet, wrinkles, and so on. One way that people decide to fight aging is with weekend face lifts – so called because they can be during the course of a weekend.
As a person ages, her skin goes through natural changes. The rate at which these changes occur depend on heredity, life style, and diet. The skin covering face muscles become more slack due to the loss of fatty tissue between the skin and muscle. The skin becomes dried out and less elastic, less supple. And the more time she has spent in the sun, the faster these changes occur.
A clear sign that your face is losing it’s elasticity is if it begins to sag. A weekend face lift which tightens the skin can help this. But it’s also helpful if the physician is knowledgeable in the new cosmetic surgery techniques that focus on re-positioning the underlying fat layers of the skin to give the patient’s face a more natural and less “pulled back” look. Re-positioning will also reduce the amount of facial stress caused by the newly tightend skin thus helping the weekend face lift to last longer.
As with nearly all types of surgeries, you’ll be asked to do certain things before the operation date. If you are on medication, depending on the specific medication, you’ll probably have to stop taking them a week or two before the surgery. if you smoke, the surgeon will probably also request that you stop smoking. And if you habitually take herbs, vitamins – since some of them have an effect on blood flow, you may be asked to refrain from taking them until after the surgery.
People and their bodies react to surgeries differently. As such, even though weekend face lifts normally cause very few problems, if any, the result does depend very much on the specific person. For example, are you a quick healer? Do you have a disease, such as diabetes which might cause the healing to occur more slowly? Do you have any degree of facial bone loss which might limit the full effect of the weekend face lift? But normally, if everything goes well, you should be able to resume your normal daily routine within the first week. By the end of six months, the scarring from the stitching has normally disappeared or become only slightly noticeable.
As surgeons performed more and more face lifts, the weekend face lift became popular as they tried to make face lifts look more natural. The less cutting of the face, the more natural the face will look. If your skin has a lot of slack you may be more of a candidate for full face lift instead of a weekend face lift.
Technically a face lift can be performed on anyone, but the best results are obtained where the patient still has a certain degree of elasticity in her skin. It’s also important that the bone structure still be strong.