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Five perfect hair cuts to thicken fine hair

If you suffer from fine hair it can be a real problem. It can leave you lacking confidence and desperately looking for a solution. But there are things you can do to improve the look of your fine hair. Firstly, it is important to understand what constitutes fine hair. Fine hair is not necessarily thin; instead the term ‘fine’ refers to the diameter of each strand of your hair. For example, you may have hair that is fine but there is a lot of it so it is not necessarily thin.

On the other hand, you could have fine hair that is also thin or thinning. This means that each individual strand of your hair is small in diameter and you don’t have a lot of strands. There are lots of reasons why people suffer from thinning hair such as age, diet, stress and medication to name a few. It is important to understand what sort of hair you have in order to be able to treat your problem.

One of the easiest and most effective ways of improving the look of thinning or fine hair is to start with a good cut. As a general rule of thumb, hair will look thicker and fuller when it is shorter and all one length. There are five different hair cuts that are the best for any type of fine hair. The bob is a good place to start. There are many different variations of this hair cut so you are sure to find something to suit you. A short bob, (about ear-lobe length) will get rid of any dry or split ends making your hair look really healthy and twice as thick as it actually is. A short bob will work on most face shapes but if your face is round or heart-shaped you should go for a longer bob to compliment your facial structure.

Another variation of the bob-style cut is known as ‘The Chop.’ This style follows the basic bob style in length but with irregular, choppy ends. If your hair is fine or sparse this cut will give it style and shape and is very easy to maintain. This look often works better than a completely blunt cut as this can be too severe on some face shapes. Blunt cuts can also sometimes look limp and lack movement.

Next is the ‘The Cap Cut’ which is a short style with a fringe that frames the face. A fringe can often take the attention away from thin or fine hair. This style is best for petite or oval face shapes as it compliments delicate features perfectly.

If you are brace you could try going for a crop style. This is a shorter style than the traditional bob and generally refers to any short, tapered cut. Beware if you are over a certain age though because crops tend to best suit younger women who can pull off this stylish look. A short crop will shift the focus onto your eyes and you should be aware that a crop look will draw attention to less than flawless skin so consider all these elements before going for the chop.

If you are not brave enough to go for a cropped look or a bob then you could try a lightly layered mid-length style. You can take the length to just to or below the shoulder; the key is to maintain the smart shape with regular trims. This will keep the look fresh and manageable. The light layers will give your hair the desired volume you want and will keep your hair looking full with very little effort on your part.

If you find that none of these hair cuts work for you then it may be time to consider hair replenishment with Hairdreams. The Hair Thickening system for Hairdreams uses individual strands of high quality human hair to give added volume and thickness. The results are natural and long-lasting and the hair will perfectly blend in with your natural hair so that no-one will ever know that it isn’t your own hair!

For more information on the Hairdreams Thickening system visit the <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’);” href=”http://www.inanch.com/Services/Hair_Extensions/hairdreams/”> Inanch website </a> and book your consultation today!

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