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Finding ways to look 10 years younger?

You’d be surprised to hear that some of the most common anti aging secrets of the Hollywood stars you admire are found right in their kitchens. Surely, these movie icons can very well afford to buy the latest beauty care products or even the most exotic formulations to keep their skins looking young and fresh. Yet, some would prefer to go natural, or would use food products that are easily available to supplement their beauty regimens.
Some movie stars for instance, will quickly dab on toothpaste to hide an unsightly zit or to clean up their skin pores. A few actresses are finding some help from nature’s bounties like strawberries, which are great teeth whiteners because of enzymes found in them.
If you want to explore your own kitchen and get some ideas for natural moisturizing and anti aging products, here are a few suggestions you can try:
1. Most women have discovered the magic of mixing fruits rich in antioxidants such as grapes, strawberries, bananas and avocados and turning this mixture into facial masks. After mashing these fruits all together, you can put either a squirt of lemon or orange juice, which will further moisturize the skin.
2. You can also try mixing bananas with honey and use this as a facial mask.
3. Try mixing milk with honey and rubbing this on your face, your neck, hands and legs. Not only will you enjoy the relaxing, soothing effect of this combination, but this mix will also help smoothen your skin.
4. For pimples and unsightly breakouts, make a simple mask using milk and aspirin. Preferably, use whole milk which has a high content of fat that will moisturize the skin, while the aspirin will provide salicylic acid that will clean the pores out of dirt and other toxins.
5. Green tea has been a regular favorite among those who want to delay aging. It not only increases the body’s immune system through its active element, the flavonoid called polyphenols, but most of all, it’s a perfect anti aging product that makes the skin glow naturally. This is a result of the way green tea can cleanse the system of toxins, and can improve blood circulation, which in turn can create a natural glow on the skin.
These are just a few examples of products that you can easily find in your cupboards and you can use as beauty skin care products. You may also try doing an internet search on “natural skin care products” to know the latest brands which have nature’s bounties as their secret ingredients.

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