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Garlic for acne

Garlic For Acne? Garlic is widely believed to be a highly potent antiviral and antiseptic agent. It contains active sulphur which is enough to make some people consider garlic one of the very best natural antibiotics. While there is no scientific evidence that proves garlic can effectively treat acne, there are some people that swear […]

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Quick weight lossbe seen be heard

Quick Weight Loss-Be Seen Be Heard Sometimes, a quick weight loss program taken to the extreme can lead to severe behaviour changes that you may not be aware of. It is a good thing to have people around you who are aware of what you are doing so that they can caution you when something […]

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Acne teens and spas

Acne Teens And Spas It can be said that the teenage life without acne is not a teenage life after all! With almost 80% of teenage population suffering from it, it is safe yet sad to say that the teenage years are also the acne years. Because of that, most teens would wish or even […]

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How to naturally regrow your lost hair

How to naturally regrow your lost hair! Most people are concerned about hair loss and so am I. But are there any safe hair regrowth methods out there? Would you like to find out how to stop your hair loss and regrow most if not all of your lost hair naturally, with no chemicals, drugs, […]

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