Building Your Cosmetology Career; 6 Steps To A “Be Nice” Attitude The “BE NICE” process includes six steps. Begin by trying them on; you will be amazed at the results! 1. Fake it. By choosing a career in the beauty industry, you have automatically given up the right to come to school or work in […]
Where do Beauty Trends come from? 4-inch lotus feet. Lead-based face makeup. Hairlines plucked to create a longer forehead. Though these may sound like acts from the Circus of Beauty Shop of Horrors, they were all considered common beauty rituals at some point in history. So then just what, you ask, is beautiful? defines […]
Kick that Cellulite Goodbye The stats are in, over 90% of women, no matter their size, will experience cellulite at some point in their lives. What is cellulite? Cellulite is fatty deposits that appear generally on the backs of your thighs. it increases over time due to poor diet, lack of adequate water intake, lack […]
Links Of London Jewellery As Gifts For Mother's Day These days it seems like we are all pushed for time, especially during the Mother’s Day season. Shopping for gifts for your mother can be quite time-consuming. Online shopping can save you money and something else that’s beyond monetary value – your precious time. Links Of […]